Weight Control Package - Natural Health Supplement
$146.00 / On Sale
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Weight Control Package ( 4 bottles )
Contains : WonderMeal (1) Morning Power (1) Noon Light (1) Night Fresh (1)
Morning Power ( 1 bottle )
Price $ 41.99 per bottle
COMPONENT Amount %Daily Value
90 Capsules per bottle
RECOMMENDED USAGE: Take 2 capsules with plenty of water BEFORE breakfast
FKC scientists have a developed “Morning Power” to help us power into the day with proper nutrition and sustainable energy. “Morning Power” is one component of a trio of products (Morning Power, Noon Light, Night Fresh) that synergistically work well together to help keep us fit and assist with weight loss.
Four main components in Morning Power were combined to provide not only nutrition and energy but also antioxidants and a sense of well being. In addition, the energy component of “Morning Power” helps block the appetite, therefore reducing morning food consumption.
Nutrition: Spirulina provides naturally occurring and essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids. Spirulina is known as the highest nutritional value found in any living organism.
Energy: Guarana (from a natural plant source) provides energy and is know to be a natural appetite suppressant.
Anti-Oxidant: American Ginseng is a natural anti-oxidation component.
Well Being: Damiana Leaf is an ancient herb known to aid in a sense of well-being.
Energy and Nutrition for the Day:
The most significant part of the day is the beginning. We often do our hardest work in the morning when our energy is highest. A common problem is consuming an unhealthy “fast food” breakfasts full of calories and low in nutrition. Excessive calories are quickly converted to fat.
This common morning practice not only adds fat but also induces sleepiness and fatigue. Put simply, it saps your energy.
A better alternative to a hefty breakfast can be a small, healthy breakfast and a supporting supplement like Morning Power. The best breakfast supplement is one that provides both energy and nutrition.
Please click on the ingredients above for a more detailed description of each ingredient. Some essential background information is provided for each ingredient.
FKC uses the highest quality products and manufacturing. All FKC health supplements are developed in the US and are manufactured in the US in accordance with the strictest FDA GMP regulations.
Noon Light (1 bottles )
Price $ 42.99 Per bottle
COMPONENT Amount %Daily Value
90 Capsules per bottle
RECOMMENDED USAGE: Take 2 capsules with plenty of water 1/2 hour BEFORE meals.
NoonLight is one component of a trio of products (Morning Power, Noon Light, Night Fresh) that synergistically work together to help keep us fit and assist in weight loss.
NoonLight was developed by the scientists at FKC primarily to aid in the proper digestion of your biggest meal of the day - lunch. NoonLight helps to target your digestion by working on all the main macro-nutrients, fats, sugars, and proteins. Noon Light has the capacity to block fat synthesis, block starch break down and increase protein digestion. All three of these activities lead to weight control, increase in energy, improved metabolism and improved health.
NoonLight is recommended to be taken within half an hour before a meal to prepare the body for maximal effects of digestive ingredients. NoonLight components include HydroxyCitric Acid (HCA) for blocking fat synthesis in cells, Phaseolamin for blocking starch digestion into sugar, Bromelain for improving protein digestion, and Vanadium for enhancing sugar metabolism.
Over 1 billion people are overweight and 300 million are obese. In the USA, over 65% of American adults are overweight or obese! Numerous degenerative diseases result from gaining excessive weight. The rate of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer are increasing rapidly everywhere there is obesity. FKC scientists believe a gentle gradual approach to weight control is the best approach for results.
Promotes selective digestion by blocking fat and sugar build up and increasing protein digestion.
Promotes blocking of excess fat manufacturing in cells with HCA from a plant-source.
Blocks digestion of starch with Phaseolamin to decrease the quantity of sugar absorbed into the blood.
Increases protein digestion with Bromelain plant-based enzymes.
Improve sugar metabolism with Vanadium trace mineral.
Selective Digestion:
A gentle, gradual approach to weight control is the best approach and weight control begins with digestion. “Selective digestion” is where we increase our digestion of what we need the most, like proteins, and decrease our digestion of what we need less, like sugar and fat. Improvement of protein digestion is critical for amino acid absorption. Minimizing starch break down can eliminate a significant percentage of calories in food. Blocking fat manufactured after a starchy and fatty meal adds to calorie elimination from the diet. All together, these selective digestion approaches allow you to eat your regular diet while helping to reduce your calorie intake and increase your protein intake.
Please click on the ingredients above for a more detailed description of each ingredient. Some essential background information is provided for each ingredient.
FKC uses the highest quality products and manufacturing. All FKC health supplements are developed in the US and are manufactured in the US in accordance with the strictest FDA GMP regulations.
Night Fresh (1 bottle)
Price $ 32.99 per bottel
COMPONENT Amount %Daily Value
45 Capsules Per Bottle
RECOMMENDED USAGE: Take one capsule after dinner with plenty or water.
The scientists at FKC designed NightFresh to help cleanse your intestines to remove toxins and undigested waste products. NightFresh is a part of a trio of products (Morning Power, Noon Light, Night Fresh) that synergistically work together to help keep us fit and assist in weight loss.
It can be difficult to obtain a high fiber diet, especially on a daily basis, without solid continuous dietary discipline which most people are not willing to practice. Realistically, the daily diet of most people consists of processed food lacking fiber. In response to this dietary issue, the scientists at FKC developed the natural supplement NightFresh.
Along with ');document.writeln('adequate fluid intake, NightFresh targets the unblocking and cleansing of your colon. The carefully blended natural ingredients in NightFresh work together as one system for cleansing, bulk building, and promotion of bowel movements. These natural ingredients include fibers from psyllium seed husks and grapefruit fiber. Antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anti-toxins, like Curcumin and chamomile, are other active components of NightFresh, synergistically combined together in one capsule for easy consumption in the evening after the last main meal of the day.
Night Fresh was designed to:
Provide natural fiber to help with elimination of colon waste products to relieve constipation.
Promote a healthy colon environment to eliminate the pathogenic environment for colon cancer.
Provide antioxidants and anti-toxins molecules from plant sources.
Gently and gradually take action so it is not as invasive as colon hydrotherapy.
Promote the health of probiotics in the colon which in turn provide defense against pathogens.
Please click on the ingredients above for a more detailed description of each ingredient. Some essential background information is provided for each ingredient.
FKC uses the highest quality products and manufacturing. All FKC health supplements are developed in the US and are manufactured in the US in accordance with the strictest FDA GMP regulations.
More Scientific Information about Night Fresh
Food Digestion and Elimination:
In general, most of us consume several pounds of food a day. We do this every day without a thought about what digested food is absorbed into the blood and what undigested waste products are eliminated in the stool or persist in the intestines! In reality, a large portion of our consumed food is undigested and must pass through the colon (large intestines) to be eliminated as stool. This is a healthy situation if all undigested food is eliminated within the same day. But “colon hydrotherapy” (which is an invasive technique to flush the colon content) and prolonged fasting, have proven beyond a doubt that many pounds of undigested and un-eliminated stool remain trapped within the colon posing a serious threat to our health. When elimination of food waste products is hindered or made difficult, constipation is the natural result. Constipation is by far the number one digestive system problem in every industrialized country in the world.
The dreaded constipation is a daily pain that also causes toxicity, inflammation, irritation, and gas among other problems. These colon problems can be caused by pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria, fungi, and parasites resident in the colon. They can also be caused by the immune system which triggers inflammation in response to the toxic chemicals in un-eliminated waste products. Chronic constipation is not only painful but can lead to serious problems such as hemorrhoids or bleeding, which can eventually require surgical intervention. Colon cancer can be the result of long term toxicity in the colon.
Colon Cancer:
One of the most common lethal cancers in the world is colon cancer. This cancer develops in the colon but spreads rapidly throughout the entire body, which makes the cancer extremely difficult to fight. A major factor involved in colon cancer is chronic constipation and toxicity in the colon. As fecal matter accumulate in the colon, due to elimination problems, toxicity levels rise. High toxicity in the colon will bombard the mucosal cells in the intestinal wall with mutagenic and carcinogenic molecules, which can result in DNA mutations in these cells. As the number of DNA mutations increase, the cells begin to develop tumors which could become cancerous over time. When colon tumors or cancer develops, several tumors or cancer polyps may be found along the walls of the colon. Colon cancer can thrive in an unhealthy constipated colon. The most effective way of preventing or eliminating colon cancer is to keep the colon clean on regular basis. Colon cleansing can be performed in many ways, but some methods are gentler and more effective than others.
Colon Hydrotherapy:
Colon hydrotherapy is important for colon cleansing but is not a recommended practice on regular basis. Unfortunately, this hydrotherapy will flush out the bulk of probiotics which are essential for health and life in the colon. Colon hydrotherapy is a good practice once or twice a year to undergo massive cleansing but it is best to avoid on a regular basis. The invasive nature of colon hydrotherapy technique is not a viable therapy for the daily toxic load in the colon. By the time a person undergoes colon hydrotherapy, a tumor or cancer may already be developed and growing.
A tumor or cancer can't be dislodged by rushing hydrotherapy water because the tumor or cancer cells are an integral part of the colon mucosal wall. What is needed for a healthy colon on an ongoing basis is a daily dose of fiber and cleansing molecules to eliminate waste products before they harden on the walls of the colon and become difficult to eliminate. Waste products in the colon behave very similarly to microbial populations in the mouth in that they stick to tissue surface and harden over time. Flushing the hardened microbes or waste products with hydrotherapy is difficult. The best strategy to keep the colon mucosal wall clean is gentle daily brushing with natural indigestible fiber while providing anti-toxic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant molecules to control toxicity levels.
Fiber for the Colon:
Chemical laxatives, bowl movement promoters, and other purgative pharmaceuticals are popular tools for promoting passage through the colon but these agents can be harsh and harmful. Chemical laxatives may provide temporary relief from constipation but they also cause an unhealthy imbalance in minerals and electrolytes in the intestines and blood. Natural fibers along with fluid intake work as the best laxative without the side effects and can be the best assurance of a healthy colon.
Natural fibers absorb and retain water like a sponge and act as soft mucilage (the hydration of fiber into a gel) in the colon. The fibers add bulk to the diet which is indigestible and passes smoothly through the colon. In addition, peristalsis (bowl movement) is stimulated by the coarse fibers, which act on the nerves in the colon wall. Natural fibers also promote cleansing of the intestines and colon to keep toxic by-products out of the digestive system. It is always important to remember that the action of natural fibers can happen only with the presence of good quantities of liquids, especially water, for mucilage to form. Otherwise, dehydrated fibers can only exacerbate the problem of constipation and a blocked colon.
WonderMeal(1) 455g per bottle
Price $ 48.99 per bottle
Recommended Usage: As a meal or snack supplement, mix 1 or 2 scoops of Wonder Meal with liquid (juices, water, milk and/or fruits). Blend in a blender until mixed consistently. Consider adding ice and frozen fruits.
Did you know that proteins, which are made of amino acids, are the building blocks of all tissue in the human body? After water, protein makes up the bulk of our body weight. Our bodies need 20 amino acids to make all our necessary proteins. Nine out of the twenty amino acids must come from a food source or supplement
Protein deficiency in adults and children has been associated with hair loss, brittle hair, dermatitis, muscle weakness, cardiac disorders, and delayed wound healing. A balance of quality protein is essential to maintain health in adults and proper growth in children. However, not all protein supplements are a like. The source of a protein and its’ refined purity will help determine its quality.
FKC’s Response:
Scientists at FKC developed a protein supplement called Wonder Meal that is synergistically combined with other essential, natural ingredients. Wondermeal is a high quality (plant and whey) protein supplement because it contains all of the 20 amino acids needed by the body.
The many diverse uses of Wonder Meal make it unique. It is used as a protein supplement for adults, children, vegetarians and body builders needing more protein in their diets. It’s also used by individuals needing a weight loss supplement and even diabetics seeking to reduce their use of insulin by better balancing their blood sugar naturally (*under medical supervision).
In addition to protein the FKC scientists added Chromium Picolinate. Chromium Picolinate has shown to increase insulin sensitivity (requiring less), control blood glucose levels, and reduce weight gain and fat accumulation in the human body.
Protein for Weight Loss
Supplementing higher quantities of protein for meals will encourage the body to burn more body fat for energy supplementation. Obesity is found in approximately 55% of patients diagnosed with Type II diabetes.2 According to the 2007 statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), there are over 1.6 billion overweight adults in the world. That number is projected to grow by 40% over the next 10 years!
Protein to Build Muscles
Body builders must supplement larger quantities of protein to meet the demand of their growing muscle tissues or the body will “cannibalize” protein tissues from other areas in the body.
Protein to Help Balance Blood Sugar
Protein can also be instrumental in balancing our blood sugar and metabolism when used in combination with Chromium Picolinate. It has been used to better regulate Type II diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 18.3% (8.6 million) Americans age 60 and older have diabetes. 1